***Casino Royale Hourly challenge payout 20x***
Hit 3 greens inrow on payout 20x in dice classic
first 3 players win this game
prize 500 doge pr winner
need to post bets and screen shot in forum.
Challange start at 10:30 am GST.Note:
Must need 3+ post in forum...
Mini base bet 10 satoshi....
Not allowed old bet ....... -
user: Ahora95
bets =(#bet0:5eedc0a0481cdb008d96f525 #bet0:5eedc0aa481cdb008d96fcbc #bet0:5eedc0b5481cdb008d9704b9 ) -
@Ahora95 sorry you are late in challange good luck for next time nice try. ..
@dicekiller Your race time was a few hours, I didn't see anything about the race time
@Ahora95 time of hourly challange is only one hour i hope you try tommorow in new challenge
@dicekiller ok dear gl
awsum challange