Essential nutrients your food should have to help reduce period cramps
You might have learned in biology class that periods occur when the uterus contracts to help shed the uterine lining through the vagina. But what is not commonly known is that to enable these contractions, inflammatory hormone-like substances called prostaglandins are released. Too many prostaglandins can cause the uterus to contract strongly and reduce the flow of oxygen to the uterus muscles, causing severe cramps. recipes for period cramps
Magnesium: This nutrient is known to alleviate PMS symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, and stress. It can also help with muscle relaxation and reduce headaches.
It is well-known that experiencing heavy period flow can lead to iron deficiency. Having Vitamin C-rich foods during your periods can help enhance iron absorption by the body and keep extreme fogginess and weakness at bay.
Calcium: Most commonly found in dairy products like milk or cheese, including calcium in your diet is one of the most natural ways to ease period cramps. It helps reduce cramps, water retention, and bloating.
Omega-3s: An essential nutrient in seafood, Omega-3 plays an important role in reducing inflammation and relieving pain, even your monthly cramps!
Vitamin-B: If you are looking for a super-nutrient to fight off cramps, then vitamin B is what you need! It can help reduce most physical symptoms of periods like cramps, exhaustion, and even muscle pain.