If you want to know everything about the biography of sergio lana Spanish actor (see sergio lanza Biography) click on this link, or visit the page of the actor sergio lanza. There (in Biography sergio lanza) you have a summary of the main sergio lanza TV series (sergio lanza TV shows) where he appears. You will also find a videobook (actor's media sergio lanza) with photos of the actor Sergio Lanza (sergio lanza fotos). If you search for sergio lanza biography, in Google, you will have at your disposal besides the role of Sergio Lanza in luis miguel tv series (Luis miguel tv sergio Lanza), others like the one in Swindled sergio lanza and Lamech of sergio lanza in Chosen. In the latter (The Chosen Sergio Lanza) and especially in the second season chosen (chosen second season Sergio Lanza), acquires a fundamental weight. If you want to know which are the main characters of sergio lanza actor (sergio lanza characters)